Knight's have to have a very superb amount of wealth to join. They must be respectable, and there will be no home to the faction. The faction will only be open to people who have full diamond armour, all diamond tools, and then also have 64 diamonds after they show us there armour and tools. There will be no home due to the fact that it can fall into grieving and that people would steal from the faction. It costs 4 diamonds to get into the faction. If you do not have over 64 diamonds, do not ask to join. The good things about the faction is that we will band together to take down our nemesis, to raid, and to aid you in combat. You do not have to pay the diamonds, those are yours. To become a ally of this faction, you have to have 5 members in your faction with full diamond armour if there are 15 people in the faction. You have to have 3 people with full diamond armour if there are 9 people in the faction. You have to have 1 person with full diamond armour if there are 3 people in your faction(Ask if it is not a multiple of 3, if it is but not mentioned on here, then just do the math and divide the number by 3. Example: for 6 people in your faction, you have to have 2 people with full diamond armour).